Where to Invade Next
All politicians should be required to see this movie. . .Bernie Sanders needs to use this film to advance his cause. . . . Should be mandated viewing throughout this country.
St. Louis Member
Michael Moore is America's treasure. He puts things in very sharp relief. His ability to bring truths home to us is fantastic.
St. Louis Member
I rarely make a comment, but this was the best movie I've seen since the last Michael Moore movie.
St. Louis Member
An important American film. Should be required in high school and college.
St. Louis Member
Entertaining, eye-opening and optimistic. We can do these things. They work. We are too good to continue to dismiss taking care of our entire population as impossible, irresponsible or too European. American exceptionalism should not mean we do all this good things except healthcare, humane treatment of prisoners, quality free education, etc. etc. We choose to accept the myth of America rather than confronting our reality.
Atlanta Member
The real pity is that no one will take this film seriously! Michael is a real American that truly espouses American values. Would that America be American!
Atlanta Member
The movie’s use of humor makes this documentary so much more persuasive to the points he is trying to make. I would like to see a condensed version of this film shown on national TV as a prelude to a debate by our presidential candidates.
Atlanta Member
Amen! It’s heartbreaking to see American society from this world view. The pendulum has swung so far from the rights of our citizens.
Atlanta Member
I just really hope this film goes big & wide. Our future depends on it.
Atlanta Member
It’s too bad Michael Moore is so polarizing. This film is provocative and worthy of consideration and discussion.
Atlanta Member
I've never liked Michael Moore but found this movie very thought-provoking. It was both depressing in looking at where we are and hopeful in where we could be as a nation.
Washington, DC Member
Should be seen by all Americans, especially the Government. It should be shown in the House and the Senate and to the Republican Presidential nominees.
Washington, DC Member
Fun, moving, at times inspiring - definitely one of Moore's best!
Washington, DC Member
Clever idea, well executed. A civics lesson that puts American rhetoric to the test of American policy and practice. For a change, Michael Moore lets the story tell itself through voices other than his own. The humor and lighter tone makes this "message film" especially effective, even winsome.
Washington, DC Member
A requirement for all high school students, our congress, and everyone in the USA.
Boston Member
Not a Michael Moore fan but I liked this, learned a lot. Less heavy-handed.
Boston Member
Very witty and informative. Hits the nail on the head with all its topics.
Boston Member
Amazing, excellent, thought provoking, outstanding.
Boston Member
Makes his point in ways that hit home.
Boston Member
Brilliant! His best film yet! I cried, I laughed repeatedly. Presented an enormous amount of critical information without preaching or lecturing. Frequently made me ashamed to be American and wish I lived anywhere but here. Should be mandatory for every citizen (many comments along these lines: e.g. all politicians must see this; should be shown in all high schools; etc.)
Greater New Haven Member
I can’t wait to see it again. A lot to think about.
Greater New Haven Member
Thought-provoking and disturbing, yet optimistic and hopeful.
Greater New Haven Member
Michael Moore is a brilliant propagandist! Provocatively manipulative in the most positive way. I am not bothered by its one-sided viewpoint… the sheltered American public needs to see this film
Greater New Haven Member
The best thing about America is Michael Moore, for helping us realize that life does not have to be this way; it can be better, healthier, and civilized.
Greater New Haven Member
Great satirical commentary on today’s society, but still done in a way that is not only funny, but incredibly thought-provoking as well. Plan on seeing it more than once.
Greater New Haven Member
A provocative film indeed! It seems we have abandoned many of our good ideas. Perhaps we can get them back by first remembering the basic dignity of every human being.
Greater New Haven Member
A great film. It tells us that America has lost track of its own history and wonderful moments of protest and struggles for a more just and equal society. We must fight this amnesia!
Greater New Haven Member
Better title would have been ‘America Lost and Found.’ Perhaps a little long, and I fear that this film will be used to divide us further when we really need to hear what our Icelandic female friend was trying to tell us. Glad that Michael Moore found a way to have quiet moments toward the end. Will never forget the prison wardens singing!
Greater New Haven Member
I am an EMT and I see people in their worst times. The depth of humanity I experience in those times is incredible. People are beautiful, miraculous, and worth protecting. This film is a beautiful, haunting, hilarious conglomeration of the political being. It filled me with despair and hope at once. I sincerely wish that one, ten, fifty years from now only the hope remains.
Greater New Haven Member
A must-see for all politicians and members of Congress! Should be required viewing for every American. [many comments along these lines]
San Francisco Member
Provocative, entertaining AND insightful. Having real faces and voices explain the benefits of social welfare policies in European nations is helpful to overcome the knee-jerk rejection of the concept that other nations do things better than the U.S.
San Francisco Member
Entertaining and thought-provoking, even if oversimplified. Brought a real human bent to some complex issues.
San Francisco Member
Michael Moore for President! Fantastic. We get it, it's time for women to REVOLT!
San Francisco Member
Was very pleasantly surprised with this film. Didn't know anything about it and assumed it would be about war and American greed - was braced for a heavy film with comedic undertones. This delivered for me, and much more. I cry for America.
San Francisco Member
Great ideas, great information, mixed with irony and humor. A wonderful ending of "these are American ideas."
San Francisco Member
You can quibble with Moore's selective editing and manipulative style of storytelling. But however blunt the message, it's still a necessary one.
San Francisco Member